Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am flighty at times its all.. ohhh sparkly

So here I am stuck with a conundrum, you see I might be slightly flighty and bounce between infatuations.  I do not know what it is but some things have this, ohhh shiny, effect upon me.  My poor loving wife has to put up with the randomness that is Human.  Yes, I just referred to myself in the third person, after all its the craze now and if it isn't well then I am eclectic and hence cooler then I was 2 minutes ago.  AWESOME.  Meanwhile back at the ranch, I have this addiction of collections.  I collect many things to give you an idea, I am on the QUEST, yes quest all in caps.. this is serious business here people, to find the perfect belt/clip/pocket knife.  I have been after it for years but the damn thing keeps evolving in my mind so its rather difficult but what is life without trials? I am on a mission for the ideal indestructible watch, I think I have it now thanks to my last Christmas gift from my wife and her Uncle Kent (side note I want to be as cool as him someday..doubtful but it is a goal) but I still have to look.  I appear to collect hobbies though they are short lived and not very full filling overall, some stay and some go only to reappear again reborn in a new shine of potential only to be cast back down into the abyss, or my closet, which ever is handy at the time.  After all, there is only so much time in the day and one must spend it in trivial pursuits and the occasional honey do lists.   I am constantly shopping, for rather random things, chase an idea down, research it, drool over the potential and the excitement of something new and diverse.. and that people is the key I believe to my collections.  Its the chase.  Its the learning something new, the taste of something different in a rather benine sorta way.
Well something old has come back around and reared its shiny new head.  You see I have always had this habit of trying to find the perfect pen, part of it is work where I have to sign things in black ink... why black beats the hell out of me that is out of my pay grade... anyway you know how it is when you borrow a pen and it writes ohh so well.  You look at is try to remember the brand, the type, the point size, what color ink, the heft of it, how it fits your hand.. well you get the idea.  There are a thousand different things that make up a good pen all of them completely subjective.  Now I had a very good pen, one that wrote like a champ, the heft was ideal it was a nice pen given to my by Big Lou back when I was working on my masters.  I remember it clearly, it was a blue enameled Waterford.  That is the pen that I judge all others against.  It has been gone now many a year lost during my moves between masters, doctorate attempt, teaching, and various other careers I have collected and undoubtedly it did not write as well as I remember and I think the barrel might have been to thick actually, but lets not cloud feelings with judgement people I am flighty and far to easily destracted to be bothered my reality.  So back to the topic, the reason this has come up is, well .. this blog attempt that I am doing.  You see I am having a hard time conceptualizing what to write about so I thought, well lets go old school and write out what I want to say in a journal.  Ohhhh a journal.. yeah new hobby .. then I could blog from it in some sort of orginization and conscious fluidity.  So I spent several days researching journals, yeah I know its basically a not book but come on have you ever actually looked at the options out there. I mean DAMN, there are a lot of varieties and styles and well its something new that I never looked into .. ohh its soo exciting.  Yes I do need to get out more but well this is me.  So along with the journal research logic dictates that if you are going to write you need a write utensil to go along with that fancy notebook.  So here we are back at an old collection that is rearing back up into prominence.  Also spurred on by a recent trip to Mall of America, the worlds largest mall.. ohh boy.. I hate crowds.. hate them with a passion.. I become He Who Walks With Fists, a name given to my by my friends after observing me in an airport, in a crowd and well that includes Malls, airports, sidewalks, bars, clubs, well anywhere thats crowded.  .. wow .. off topic .. concentrate ohh master of the flighty thought patterns.. anyway at giant edifice of consumerism there is a store that deals with pens.  Paradise Pens,  I had to walk around it twice, its not very big but wow what a selection of incredibly expensive pens, I mean a MontBlanc for a grand.. are you kidding me 1000 dollars for a freaking pen, people are crazy.  Of course while we where at the mall I did try on a Tag watch.. it was really cool .. but not $3500 cool.. people are crazy.  .. shakes the head... topic damn you..
So this pen store rekindled some of my desire for a good pen.  Now lets define a good pen.  It must feel good in the hand, it must write at my angle of attack, it has to have the right heft and well yeah its gotta look good, not necessarily classy even though that would be nice but it has to stand out.  For example, one of the pens I was looking at is made my ACME.. Yes, the wile coyote company.  I find this pen to be rather cool, the calligraphy series taken straight from ACME's webpage.  It just appeals to me, I like it.  BUT I have never lifted it or felt it to see how it would fit and write.  So its a pipe dream, but I still look and check out what is out there.. the chase ...  soo many cool things so little band width.
So we see a pen we like.  Something about it has set it apart from the 50 gazillion different pens out there, so what version to you pick.  Do you want the gel ink roller ball, the ball point, the original roller ball, or do you dare to go old school and select the classic fountain pen.  Well, I have owned two fountain pens, both back in the late 80's early 90's and I used them alot and liked them alot, but I learned that you never let a high schooler try to write with your fountain pen.  They bend the hell out of the nib and well there goes that pen.  They were not expensive fountain pens, steel tipped and serviceable.  I have no idea on the nib size, or style but they are a thing from the past.  A classic.
Think on this, we are a nation of caffeine addiction, coffee shops are everywhere.  People go there to drink coffee, surf the net, conduct business, hang out with friends, study and people watch.  Now close your eyes and picture the coffee shop the last time you were there.  Was there someone on a laptop?  Used to be if you were on a laptop in a store you were strange.  Now they are everywhere.. hell I am writing this on my netbook the ultimate in laptop portability.  I have even been that guy on the computer in the coffee shop, BUT I can not recall seeing anyone writing with a fountain pen at a coffee shop since my days in grad school.  Its a throw back, its like seeing a classic old car or motorcycle.  You take note and enjoy seeing the past come by again as a classic.  It puts a smile on your face, not sure why but it does to me at least.  Can you see where this is headed.  I want a classic, a throw back pen.  I want a fountain pen and everything that goes with it.  The sound, yes you know that sound the scratch of a fountain pen that is lost with the roller ball or the ball point.  I want the not so efficient but infinitely cooler pen, perhaps a older used pen that has its own history.    I probably won't be able to write worth a damn with one but hey reality does not dare to intrude upon my collections and desires.  A classic pen to go along with a classic heavy papered journal, well probably a sketch book since conformist lines are well .. for conformist.  Ha take that you lemmings.
Oh now for the benefit, at least to people like me, of a fountain pen.. wait for it...... wait ...... the ink.  Do you have any idea how many types of inks there are for a fountain pen?  Google it.. I double dog dare ya.  Oh more chase.  Hell days have gone into the chase, reading, learning, evaluating what pen addicts say in reviews, reading blogs about pens and inks, and paper.  Its all new and shiny or classic and shiny.. or .. well its a sparkly damn it its all sparkly.. and it is good it entertains.  It has potential, and as a side benefit it will help my penmanship which needs help.  All the benefits a mind needs to continue to grow and learn and ohhh sparkly.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gearing up to take a girl turkey hunting.

Original hunting list..

.410 shot gun ...                      check      
shotgun .........                         check          
shooting sticks..                       check
blind...                                     check
turkey calls...                           check
youth hunting permit...              check
PB&J sandwiches...                 check
juice box.....                             check
camp chairs for small people.... check

So I am taking my niece Lauren out on her first turkey hunt.   We have had a few days of shooting to make sure that she can hit what she needs to.   We worked on her muzzle control and overall gun safety, she is ready.  For the last two years, Lauren has been asking to go hunting with us.  Last fall, we started working toward this day.  I admit it she has me wrapped around her finger so I might be a bit biased.  Well for the uninitiated, spring turkey hunting runs in two main varieties.  There is the set up and call and try to pull in a tom or a jake from his harem and there is the the spot and stalk where you basically run around calling trying to get a tom to answer you and then you move in on them.  Now turkeys have amazing eye sight and well spook very easily.  Well my 9 year old niece does not have the legs I do so we are setting up and calling.  Now some things I did not know.  A.  Getting a nine year old up at 330 am is not a nice thing.  Now Lauren did very well.   Well, first things first a breakfast to start the day.  Here we go toast with PB&J

Then its time to get dressed and head on out for the orientation briefing and to set up for the day of hunting.  
Now she is a small girl which is why we are using a .410 shotgun.  Here she is sporting her shooting vest and required blaze orange hat, to prevent us from being shot by other hunters.  Yes not many turkeys wear blaze orange, its a fashion thing.  
Out we go and set up in our blind to see what we can get to come in.  We set up on a boundry between timber and this field with our decoys out in front.   We heard some shooting right off at dawn but this is the first weekend of early youth season.  Not quite the peak time but hey we take what we can get.  NOW comes in the 9 year old zone.  Dawn was at 655 am.. we were set up at 530 am.. yeah do the math.  For me its not a big deal to wait, for a 9 year old... .. wow .. we waited and talked about what we wanted to do.  Dawn rose and we started to watch and listen and call.  We heard some gobbling but nothing close by.  We saw several batched to turkeys but couldn't pull the tom's off of their hens.  All in all the first day was a bust no birds no shots.  ahh well, about 1030 ish she was bored.  My rule is, if it isn't fun we shouldn't be doing it.  Lauren was getting bored so we broke camp and took off back home so she could make it in time for dance class.  We cruised through the area to see  all different species of ducks that were nesting in the area and talking about which ones we hunt and usually see.

As we drove around the preserve Lauren became rather quiet and alarm bells went off.  After all, I used to get into all kinds of trouble as a kid, mostly when I was quiet.  Quiet equals sneaky sneaky and sneaky means I am up to something.  So I looked back to see what she was into and.. well .. girls are different I guess.

Aw well, we tried again the next morning, with a slightly revised list.  Add in a Nintendo DS to help her pass the time and this is what you get.

Hunting is hard work.  Well we lasted a bit longer, even in the blind I think we were moving too much and well we were not exactly quiet.  After all one must have a serious face while hunting.  Trying to keep her entertained.  We had fun, it was not what I had hoped to accomplish but I tried.  I had visions of her getting a turkey right off the bat, but it didn't happen.  On the drive home from that second day, I hear from the back seat, " Uncle Mot, what am I going to hunt after turkeys?"
Mot:  Well, little one we normally hunt ducks but you are not quite big enough to move up in shotguns to hunt ducks. 
Lauren:  Well I will grow at least 2 inches by then, well that be big enough?  
Mot:  We will see. 
Lauren:  Can I hunt deer?
Mot:  Did you like Bambi?  
Lauren:  No, Deer taste good right?
Mot:  Yes, little one they taste very good.
Lauren:  OK can we hunt deer?
Mot:  Yes we can.
Lauren:  Okay
I have created a monster, and well I like it.  Now to look for a new gun so that my niece and hunt deer.  
It is going to be an interesting few years.